Dana Boyland, LCSW

Type of Practice: Therapy/counseling (mental health)

Session Format: Telehealth and in-person

Accepted Payment Methods: Medicare, United Healthcare, Aetna, Self-Pay/Out-of-Network

Specializations: Older adults, life transitions, anxiety, life-limiting disease and illness, trauma, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Primary Treatment Modalities/Orientations: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT), Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), faith-based counseling

Populations Served: Older adults

About Me

Do you have a life-limiting illness? Chronic pain? Have physical challenges affected your most important relationships? Perhaps you feel guilty that you can’t be there for your family as much as you’d like. You may need to rest instead of play with your kids or grandkids. Intimacy with your spouse may be suffering. You may be thinking, “This is so unfair, I didn’t sign up for this life!”

Chronic disease and pain, chronic depression or anxiety, mood swings, relationship issues: All of these, and more, create debilitating stress. Would you like to imagine a time where you wake up fully rested after a great night’s sleep? Would you like to picture driving to work confident that you will be successful facing all the day’s challenges? Would you like to experience a life where past trauma doesn’t get you down or hold you back?

You can have the peace of mind that comes from accepting the unfair circumstances of life so that you no longer struggle against their realities, while at the same time learning to care for yourself in a new way that greatly improves your quality of life. You might just find that as you learn techniques to improve your ability to cope, your physical symptoms decrease. If this improved life appeals to you, I am ready to help you. Call or email today. A happier life awaits!

(314) 833-0202 | info@somc.llc
